
Saturday, 18 May 2019

Summer 2019 - an adventure in France - at last!

After 26 years of traveling together in one of our campervans, and almost always starting and ending our trips in France, we've decided to do something we talk about every year - dedicate a trip to exploring as much as France as we can! And, hard to believe, but we've seen 9 editions of the French Rough Guide come and go whilst we've been prevaricating!

It's a massive country and there are bound to be some bits we miss, so if you do have any favourites, please let us know via the blog or email.

As usual, we will be posting updates as often as we can, depending on access to the internet and some downtime to get the pics sorted and the commentary written!

Please do add comments if the fancy takes you - or email us if you'd rather. And, if you are also traveling and would like us to link to your blog or whatever, let us know!

À bientôt!

Steve and Julie 😃


  1. Have a great trip. I've sent you a suggestions email. Issix

    1. Thanks Issi - they look perfect - if we have enough time!
